Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Last Of The V8s

A lament now lost to the world
Of things that were once wonderfully held
Powder blue Valiants with a big V8
That were kings of the road as our driving mate

Good Or...Bad

If you search for the bad
Do you identify the good
As there is a positive and negative
When the world turns as it should

My Mum

I'm thinking of you today
Your touch and what you'd say
When I was tucked me in at night
And you reached up to put out the light


He was born on a little holding
On the Adelaide Plains down Lower Light way
He loved to run the paddocks round
A free spirit as a family favourite they'd say

The Darkness

The darkness of the night
Seeds a world out of sight
Hiding from us the unknowns
Where danger is secretly sown

Vale Mick Standing

Some people stand out in your thoughts
Of deeds done and strength brought
Mick Standing we remember as a friend
And a detective to uphold the right and the law to defend


When you woke up today
What did you feel was yours
Did you own it all
Or were there things


I remember a group of little ones
Playing in the sun having fun
Each one a mate and a cobber true
All having a say in what we'd do

Having Dreams

Peaceful slumber might it be
Without a dream do I see
No need for memories now
Or ghostly thoughts to take a bow

Southern Skies

There's a place in my heart
Where the sun plays its part
And the kookaburras sings
To greet a sunrise that brings

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