Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Haiku – Live Each Day Well

Death walks with us all
We do not know where it leads
So live each day well

Love - What Is The True Nature Of Love?

What is the true nature of love?
Is it two souls seeking each from above
As they meet in a thousand lifetimes
And explore each other again to each other kind

Life - What Do We Care

We read the stories but what do we care
Of innocents lost that are too much to bear
What do we say amongst ourselves
How bad it is or thank god it's not ours to delve

Haiku - Healing Words

Healing words are said
That make the others before
Not very hurtful


When you came from across the sea
What were your dreams of a new life to be
Leaving home was such a big step
Hopeful of better things without regret

I Will

I will walk for you when you can't walk
And I will speak for you when you are silent
When the day is done I will keep you safe
And if there is a storm raging I will give you shelter

Fun - Crocs With Socks

My daughter tells me 'Don't wear socks with your crocs'
As a fashion statement she says it's not so hot
But I say it's very comfortable and your can mix or match
Black socks with white crocs or vice versa in your fashion cache

Fun - The Chinese Stole Our Weather

The Chinese cracked our computer weather
It seems the fire walls didn't hold things together
So from now on they will know
The best beach weather and where to go

Haiku - The Golden Light Is Dead

The cool evening
The sun goes down in the sea
Golden light is dead

Hugo Boss designed for the German Army uniform
And it was said that they were the the best dressed form
You see when conquering Europe under the jackboot hordes
To look your best on battlefields had its own rewards

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