Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Pleading Eyes

I still see their pleading eyes
Staring and unable to be disguised
For their thoughts are of what came before
Not wanting to face the truth any more

Relax And Laugh

Let's relax and laugh and sing
Get to it now and make
Your thing
As a medicine it is great

The Mandela Affect

Have you always thought that something was true
And then find out that it wasn't then
There are beliefs of the masses found to be untrue
Named after Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in jail

Electronic Voice Phenomenon

The whispering on the breeze is near
So gentle it's hard to hear
But it never goes away
It has so much more to say

Police - Coppers

Do you look into me as I look into you
Or does the blue blank out what in me is true
Do you see the badge and the gun so real
And never wonder what inside me is the real deal

We Need Rain

What is it with rain
Pitter patter on my window pane
It's calming when I hear its quiet refrain
And it doesn't matter I'll explain


When my grandfather saw horses
He was taken back to his youth, of course

Quietly he used to go and talk to them

News - Fake Or Not

How do we keep informed
Watching TV news services
Facebook grabs on your timeline
Perhaps like Donald Trump

War And Remembrance - Missing Aborigine Diggers

At the end of the Great War
Families were torn apart
With 60,000 dead
There was not a family

Soylent Green

I was watching the Soylent Green movie
With Charlton Heston made in 1973
The world was a mess with a population mass
From the effect of greenhouse gases

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