Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What's Right

Will you stand up and shout
Or sit down and tarry about
When things just aren't right
You need to get up and fight


Secrets that you want to forever keep
Skulking around in the depths so deep
What subjects are out of your depth
And are uncomfortable in their breadth

My Time

There comes a time
When you inherit
Your senior position
In this world

Night Cordon

A cold damp wind hits you in the face
And the darkness closes in on you
Biting into you as you wait and stand
There is no more need to be concerned


There are times when people under estimate me
And my drive to be what I always wanted to be
It has made me wonder how it came about
When they thought that they could measure the clout


Psychedelic colours burst across the sky
Mood rings blink on and off as I fly by
Count the bright stars as they travel with us
It's just nature showing that it doesn't make a fuss

Big Bang Ponderings

If there was no time before the Big Bang
Was there nothing or something other ker-banged
There was no morning, afternoon or night
Before the Universe was put out to endless flight

Knowledge Today

It amazes me on how much we don't know
And how we explain what we do know
Even the chaos of nature has formulae
So we can predict how it would be

Winter Grey

When the winter grey is dawning
And the gale wind hits us without warning
You will see the storm cloud blow in so very fast
Know that I was be with you to the very last


Every time when I hear 'Close to You'
And 'Sweet Caroline' on the radio too
It reminds me of Summer and Sunshine
When things were simple and life was fine

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