Peace Matthew

Peace Matthew Poems

Are you weak or strong?

I fight the battle of strength against the weak,

It a dream,

A dream of my journey home,

A day will come, when the things we treasure will haunt us

A day will come, when the things we hate, will love us

Peace Matthew Biography

I'm a poet.)

The Best Poem Of Peace Matthew

My Strength In Weakness.

Are you weak or strong?

I fight the battle of strength against the weak,

I have always heard tales of the strong warriors,

Whereas, the weak have no stories,

They have fallen down in battles.

Who will tell the stories of the weak?

The strong?

Or the fallen?

No one tell the stories of the weak, they have fallen down in battles.

The weak are strong,

The weak are slaughtered like animals on the battle ground.

In their weaknesses, they persist like the strong.

The weak are warriors just like the strong,

I am weak in my strength, with a sword I call my own.

A sword for war, to fight.

A war I could have run away from, but choose to stay.

I am weak,

I will tell the tale of my weakness.

Peace Matthew Comments

Peace Matthew Quotes

Life is first a journey of one person. Along the way, life becomes a journey of people. Never journey alone.

Never always think your problem is bigger than the earth itself. No one is perfect, we all are struggling. It just depend on how we handle our problems that differentiate us from the obvious and known sufferer.

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