Peter S. Quinn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
#46 (From, ‘what's Really Happening - In 54 Numbers’)

There are shadows and some doubt,
Thoughtless people moving about;
Silent thoughts in lonesome crowds,
All is forgotten.

#48 (From, ‘what's Really Happening - In 54 Numbers’)

The blue's in my heart today,
It was not there yesterday;
Memories keep flooding on,
In my mournful song.

#49 (From, ‘what's Really Happening - In 54 Numbers’)

Forgotten and broken chains,
Memories are lost in space;
Hollowness and prickly pains,
My heart is full of maze.

#50 (From, ‘what's Really Happening - In 54 Numbers’)

Each love is like racing cars,
Driving through the final line;
Wounds from losing - all its scars,
Shiver up your spine.

Sonnet 9, All The Colors

All the colours will be coming in soon,
After winter lays down its cold and frost;
First there is April then May, and then June,
Greyness of earth completely gone and lost.

Across (From, Rockstar)

Time is going through
And leaving from here to there
Into the lonely blue
Surrounding the moments everywhere

Howling (From, Rockstar)

Howling to clouds of silence
In this game of testing endures
With ease and full of diligence
All thoughts likewise immures

Unclear Yet Like A Fog

Every day and every night,
I shall turn to left and right,
Take my turnings as I go,
Sometimes thoughts do overflow.

We Have Risen

We have risen,
From the shore
Of infinity pleasures,
Sons and daughters,

All The Dreams Faraway (From, Poet On Www)

All the dreams faraway,
They are always with me;
Like new morning day,
That comes just to be.

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