Peter S. Quinn

Peter S. Quinn Poems

Sad sad sad in blue
For sad sad sad you
The moon is all bluish tonight
The night is all dark out side

Love so sweet of summer gone to yesterday,
The passion of air in the deep fragrance;
Sorrow and rage not there to give or say,
Only the true heart that forever abundance!

a singing man
was sacrificed

by ravens

Now winter is here
In its blow blow,
Gray colors everywhere
In their shade and flow.

Can love do wonders
into the night of stars
as a thought pounder's
into the very afar's.

Barefoot reality
confusing pages of time

back again

A love and hate relationship,
Will never do for me;
I must have more in my power chip,
To be or not to be.

blue rivers of life
with woods
and snow

Lust and love is everywhere,
It keeps on burning, in my skin.
I see your face here and there,
But forgetfulness soon shall win.

Wading rivers
reflecting mountaintops

night songs

The night retreats
from the welcoming day

of green grass

Weaving white gold
light the shadows hold

morrow's days

Darkish red red rose
In the evening spring of glows
A petal drop goes

Muted wind
shaping things

and saying goodbye

I'll walk along your way
In history down town
And in your thoughts stay
Always within reach of your gown

I'm summertime to your heart,
Don't take our love all apart;
Drifting clouds and we depart,
Grow your seeds with care.

Pulse across deep feelings
shadow sweeps the spot

hanging thunderbolts

Along the rivers
sentinels with fires

the neon of night

Demented love
o stranger's garden

with hedgerows

Peter S. Quinn Biography

Hi, my name is Peter S. Quinn (my Icelandic name is Pétur Söebech Quinn) , and I'm a composer, poet and lyricist. I write mostly lyrical poetry and texts because of my well-educated background as a composer, et cetera... Lyric poetry, from Wikipedia: 'Lyric poetry is a form of poetry that does not attempt to tell a story, as do epic poetry and dramatic poetry, but is of a more personal nature instead. Rather than portraying characters and actions, the lyric poet addresses the reader directly, portraying his or her own feelings, states of mind, and perceptions. Most lyric poetry is made in a singable and rhymable way, although some lyric poems can be excepted. Lyrical poetry is often used in songs.' - end of quote - Some thoughts for considerations: 1. Only 1/10 of Peter S. Quinn poems and lyrics will be shown at This will be, At least, to begin with, only a showcase of about or over 3000 poems and lyrics mostly in English by the great Peter S. Quinn. Peter is also a very prolific composer (i.e. Google: sheet music publishing) , he's also active as a photographer, painter, etc... 2. The first part, or the part you are seeing here of " Short poems of Peter S. Quinn - This is my Wasteland" was written between the years 2004-2007. It will be continued shortly on his blog site. 3. Picture Poems 1-256 were written in the year 2000, and abstract paintings made with each of them. These paintings along with the poems are available elsewhere on the internet. 4. Everything written by Peter S. Quinn is © Copyright by Law, and may thus not be used anywhere, without written permission. 5. Peter S. Quinn is a member of STEF Samband tónskálda og eigenda flutningsréttar, - to protect his Copyright. Sister societies of STEF are many all around the globe and they include ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etc. © Copyright Peter S. Quinn 2007. All rights reserved. - Quotations: " Peter is one the kindest and unselfish person I've ever had the privilege to meet, and what a lyrical line this man has..." from, New York Times " Peter S. Quinn - An artistic talent beyond words! Prolific is an understatement given the vast amount of wonderful music and poetry (not to mention other artistic inclinations as well) that he has graced us with. A kind and gentle soul who is truly a blessing to humanity." Robert James Thoms, Newfoundland, Canada - Please see Guestbook at HTTP: // owner=midi2000book - for more… " Thank you... It is an honor! - It is an honor and perhaps a bit late that I'm getting around to thanking Peter publically for this little musical tribute. I've never had anyone write anything for me before and this came as quite a surprise. I have enjoyed playing this little ditty over the last couple of years, and recently someone heard the piece and asked 'what is it? ' They now have a copy. Thank you again, Peter. Keep up the good work." David Benning on Bennings-Song (2004) by Peter S. Quinn - See here: HTTP: // scoreid=58593 In brief, Peter S. Quinn is proud to be of 4 nations: America, Iceland, Ireland, and Germany. His father was an American Irish and his mother of German ancestors (her father being half a German: Süd Bach [south Bach] that changed over the centuries to Söebech - he [Peter] does not speak German though) . Peter lived in Florida, but moved to Iceland only 3 years of age; he has double citizenship, therefore, that of the U.S. and Iceland. Always keep him in your heart, because he too sings America! And that's why his showcase of these poems is here… There will be 3000 poems/lyrics in Peter's showcase at, and after that, he'll continue with his music at sheet music publishing, - see further at

The Best Poem Of Peter S. Quinn

Sad In Blue (A Lyric)

Sad sad sad in blue
For sad sad sad you
The moon is all bluish tonight
The night is all dark out side
Nowhere to run
Sad sad sad in blue

Into the night hold me tight
Love me babe I need some light
What's wrong and what's right
When shadows dwell and abide

Sad sad sad in blue
For sad sad sad you
The moon is all bluish tonight
Is there some star shoot in sight
To wish upon
For sad sad sad you

Into the night take a flight
Feelings, touch, everything out sight
Love me with feelings ok
Come come babe now closer stay

Sad sad sad in blue
For sad sad sad you
The moon is all bluish tonight
Is there some star shoot in sight
To wish upon
For sad sad sad you

Peter S. Quinn Comments

p.a. noushad 06 August 2009

very beautiful imagination and illustration, i like your poems

35 12 Reply
Ruby Root 15 October 2006

Hi Peter, Your poetry is beautiful. Really kind and gentle. You seem like a caring person.

30 3 Reply
joe joenper 26 April 2024


2 0 Reply
Larry Phil 06 March 2024

you I have the better profile picture

5 0 Reply
joe joenper 26 April 2024

these types of comments are needed in poem hunter

2 0
Larry Phil 20 March 2024

be quiettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

3 0
Larry Phil 11 March 2024

shush up

4 0
Adedunmola Sobaloju 18 June 2023

Wow! I'm just seeing this

5 0 Reply

Excellent creativity I like the poem reminds me of memories

5 0 Reply
Yan Feng 11 January 2019

good poems, good poet,Peter S.Quinn write much poems, many other country's people like it

7 2 Reply
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