Phathiphan Mancuso

Phathiphan Mancuso Poems

Caught inside the walls of my crumbling mind
The memory I forgot still lay forgotten
The thoughts of the past were my fragile harness
Inside the walls I call home I lay forgotten

There where the warm caress of the morning reached
I reminisce those moments at that rocky beach
There where my eyes were all tinted yellow
A place where everything seemed so very mellow

The Best Poem Of Phathiphan Mancuso

Memories I've Forgotten

Caught inside the walls of my crumbling mind
The memory I forgot still lay forgotten
The thoughts of the past were my fragile harness
Inside the walls I call home I lay forgotten
Here I forget, here I digest and here I forget
Outside the walls which call home I stand forgotten
Amidst the rustling people of this land I stay forgotten
Inside my mind those memory lay forgotten
My identity too

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