Philip James Bailey Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Festus - Xiii

In one of earth's
Head cities, awaiting this, the effect unknown,
Of evil, not, truly, all--wise, we towerlike rise;

Festus - Xiv

Even while a star
Might twinkle twice, or calm, retiring sea,
Irresolute yet to leave, his moonlit kiss

Festus - Xix

Law moral one and same all being imbounds,
Compresses, animates, even as natural law
The orb, of light and gravity. Where is soul,

Festus - Xl

The skies, the skies reclaim us. Earth dissolved,
God's will prevails now sole. As when o'er vast
And shoreward flats at murkiest noon of night,

Festus - Xli

Millennial earth, transfigured to a star,
The rebegotten world, see, born again;
Good, universal order, peace and joy.

Festus - Xlii

The soul--state, intermediate 'twixt earth's life
And the world future, unconceived till seen,
We search with curious awe; mark dormant death;

Festus - Xliii

Ill, now released,
Reckless of late discomfiture, as head
Of human strife 'gainst heaven, God's ends world--wide,

Festus - Xliv

Man's final doom conceive: the award to all
Earth's tribes of souls by spirits elect, their chiefs
Saintly, themselves through purifying rule

Festus - Xlv

'Twas held of old by some heresiarch sage,
Whose nobler name time bruits not overmuch,
That evil and good, twin powers, as light and dark,

Festus - Xvi

Charged by the spirit e'er upwards ripening, man
And evil, his mightier minister, invade
Peaceful, that sacred sphere, the queen of heaven,

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