Phillip H LaRochelle

Phillip H LaRochelle Poems


As time moves forward and depressed past years
One has stopped time to reflect on tears

Heaven or Heavens have confounded most men
From the beginning of time until the final end
They seek not to seek where they look the most
The second chapter Genesis told to all the hosts.

While the chimes and rings of days gone by
Life can be sweet and then years just fly
To reflect on life's learning ground
Comes rushing in like the tidal sound.

While standing upon this terrestrial ground
To see the unending universe and hear all the sounds
Our minds often wander into the unknown
To reflect on selves and selves alone.

Phillip H LaRochelle Biography

I was born in Maine and raised in Maine and Connecticut. Joined the United States Air Force at the age of nineteen, and served as a law enforcement supervisor, as well as two other areas or specialties, and was retired as such honorably. I have only one son, who I am very proud of for his accomplishments. My poetry started in Maine in 2012, and slowly followed me to Florida within (7) years. Published author of my book called: 60 Considerations. A mixture of styles, but mostly 'Open Form' or 'Free Verse'. No laws, correct? Never was into poetry at all. As certain critics had noted on Amazon, they did not rhyme at all. Did they have to? Again, noted above....Open Form. Forced? In my opinion only, not really. Just how they came to me. Self Reflection was not written for self, although it appeared that way. Therefore, it was re-written in plural format, so there would be no misunderstandings. I am sure everyone in just this world, since the beginning of time, (whenever that was) , had or has similar thoughts on these subjects. They are written in a manner, or different perspective, that countless people might not have considered at all. For those that had the Book, and those that might not of had it at all. As in my published book, I stated that after Y2K, a small village of 'Natives' in South America had never seen anyone from any other race. Did they hear the Word? No one was allowed to see them due to possible diseases, as it was hundred's of years ago in this countries beginnings. We all in this world live what? One day, or 120 years old. Generation after generation. Who really knows how many times They have been here or came here? I call it: The Final Coming. Some poems may sound duplicated in some fashion. Yet, the Word is always repeated constantly for a reason, day after day, and year after year, and so forth by many. Point of reference: He did tell His Apostles He had 'another flock', they knew not of, He had to go see them too. Also, to Jeremiah, God stated: 'Before I formed you in the womb, I Knew You'......Really? ? ? How could He have known him before He formed him in his mothers womb? Look @ Genesis, chapter 2, first verse, and then after Their Sabbath........'these are the....Generations....of the heavens and earth. Therefore, just all humanity alone, from beginning up till now, and moving forward, always were. Law of conservation of Matter. To Moses: 'I Am that I Am'. NT: 'Before Abraham was, I Am'. This glorious Being reduced to a micro illumination impregnating into Mary, to become what? The very Being he was in the Spiritual Sense. Yet, is there only One God, this, I Am? Obviously, in the first chapter He or They were conversing. 'Let US make man in Our image, after OUR likeness'. That's a plural statement, not a singularity. The Trinity. I Am is born. I Am is baptized by His cousin John. Then what? The Holy Ghost, a positive possession, comes out of heaven like a beautiful white dove and mingles with His own Spirit to witness to Himself that He is who He knows He is. Finally, a 'voice' out of heaven declaring: 'This is my beloved son, hear Him'. Three total separate entities. He certainly did not glorify Himself in the flesh by acting like a ventriloquist saying to Himself out of the heavens, 'This is my beloved self, hear me'. However, all three have the same mission in thought, word, and deed, for the salvation of Humanity. This Oneness of yet all three, He discussed about to those also who became or become His followers. Oddly enough, when He tells Peter: 'When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father'....Implicates what? Twins! Hebrews, chapter 1. '....who being the brightness of His glory, AND, the express image of His person....' Finally, in this area....IF, He was all three in One, than how can He be sitting on the Right Hand of the Father on a throne? Ghosts, Spirits, demons? Look @ the physical deaths of what transpires after Abraham. Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob pass. They gave up their 'ghosts'. Look @ Peter, chapter 3, verse 18......He preaches the Gospel to the Spirits in Prison.....Or, He had His angels of Light do it. Why? Why would He bother IF, they were lost forevermore? Then, Peter speaks why the gospel was preached to those who are dead, that they might live according to God in the Spirit, but be judged according to men in the flesh...Our deeds, while we were alive for whatever time upon Mother Earth. And of course there is no more knowledge in the grave, the physical self has expired. But, did the Spiritual die too? Again, all Matter is reorganized, neither being created nor destroyed. Why Paul stated: 'God chose me before the beginning of time'. Finally, yes, finally, without rehashing a book that has been re-written even before most of us were born....even today one letter or word changing its whole meaning, this statement He made too: 'ALL manner of sins shall be forgiven the children of men, and all manner of blasphemies, even against the Son of Man....Except One......that will not be forgiven in this world or the world to come'. Yes, numerous prerequisites, no doubt, of what He stated. They will find a way one way or the other so everyone is given a Righteous Judgment. When you have time and you wish to, read the Jewish Beresheet version of Genesis, that is read every time before the Torah is read. Way different or more information that most do not know, compared to the Protestant Bibles, which came from where? The Catholic Church. The Apostles were unlearned ignorant men....He chose them for a reason. Their heads were not filled with garbage. They were very open minded men. Nevertheless, if you made it this far, you're doing good, I suppose. I will put a few more on here later, unless you've already seen the book and read it, or the free website my spouse created with my first 13 poems. God Bless you all, America, and let's just stay with that Hope. Life may seem cruel, but it's for a greater purpose for us all.)

The Best Poem Of Phillip H LaRochelle

At The End Of Time


As time moves forward and depressed past years
One has stopped time to reflect on tears
And yet in a moment of disgusting rage
To total silence of another age.

As the days and months and years wander by
Generations of screams and all their cries
Who in the end will remember those
Who in the end only themselves and God really know.

On one side of the river yet glistening white
To the other side of dismay and disdainful fright
And in the middle it may almost seem
To be troubled waters that yet still gleam.

While trying to swim to the left or the right
The burdening weight of yet another night
To finally secure to some solid ground
May reach to success of a greater sound.

To finally win the battles at hand
One must first crawl then finally stand
Though tears of remorse can always be heard
In the final end it may sing like a bird.

The struggle at hand is always ahead
For the mere mortal bodies of the children of men
And at the end day when it turns to night
The grave in its shadow is surrounded by light.

The tears and years of depressed days gone by
Will merely be thought of in a blink of an eye
While the future cannot be clearly seen
It works for many whether or not they believe.

If one has not heard then how can one be judged
If no lessons were taught no reason for grudge
Knowledge however, is a gifted weight
That can be used for or against even a Saint.

So merrily, merrily the generations pass
And to astonishing abnormalities the world gasps
But at the end of time and days do part
Judgment ends at the beginning of the Heart.

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