Phillip HendyDavies

Phillip HendyDavies Poems

Today I thought I heard a donkey cry
Its mellow sullen chesty noise begs to ask the question why?
Can it be that it once carried Jesus upon its back
Leaving an inprint of the cross as its personal plaque

The sunlight fades as the rainbow dims; and the day is done
He lies cold on wet barren earth; and we knew him only as someone's son
Killed by a snipers perfected hand, his rifle resting on a firm bag of sand
That bullet forever depriving him of seeing again his green and pleasant land

Tonight the rain started falling softly onto the caravan roof
Like very small horses pitter-pattering with their elfin hooves
It slowly grew in intensity to a herd of wild mustangs stampeding across the plains
Until at last it became the noise of battle, like the charge of the Light Brigade with big war horses tugging at their reins

Another year ends in a deluge of fond wishes from friends
And a further chance to proffer good intentions and make amends
To see the New Year in with a few bottles of France's finest
Shared with a group of friends to celebrate their year round kindness

The Best Poem Of Phillip HendyDavies

A Donkey Cries

Today I thought I heard a donkey cry
Its mellow sullen chesty noise begs to ask the question why?
Can it be that it once carried Jesus upon its back
Leaving an inprint of the cross as its personal plaque
It started out so well in the manger, as a witness to the baby Jesus's birth
And again on the hilly road as portage to the gardens of Gethsemane, so full of laughter and mirth
Yet when it came to the difficult and treacherous final climb
No donkey came forward to help ease the heavy wooden cross over the line
Its sullen appearance and mournful hollow calls have just a hint of insanity
As it now belies the burden it carries for the whole of humanity
So if in the future you hear this mournful call
Give some sort of understanding for the grace to ask forgiveness to cover us all.

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