Am deeper than the ocean
My waves rise and fall
They gather and pour


Though it rains so hard
The winds blow too high
With chilly storms from afar
Smile though it pains you great

Measure not my weakness by my tears
I do not cry because am hopeless
These running streams tell that am human

Swollen eyes

They did not see eye to eye

When the rain finally falls
Petals will not remain closed
Metal will melt unto droplets
As rivers run unhindered

On the softest of petals
In the center of his palms
Take rest oh beloved
Sleep peacefully without sound

Their bones may lie cold in the bowels of earth
Yet titans never die
No grave is deep enough to conceal their good deeds
They will forever steal moments in our minds

So familiar are these feelings
This smile I've seen before
We're in a place we've been
We've been down this road before

She walks dazed, so light is her head
Her heart floats up in the air
Butterflies flap in her tummy
Her emotions flow like wild seas

Like a thief they come
To some for a brief stay
To others to own
Darker days that weighs

I'll remember you in my days of honour
For you held my hand in my darkest hour
This is my promise
By you I'll do right

Dare not listen to the voices of the skeptics
Why measure a woman by her fragility
Think of the things she has done
The rivers, crevices, mountains climbed

Time stole the thoughts
Slowly they faded to the past
Distance stood tall in the midst
Memory waved like subsiding waves

I saw you wave at a distance
As steps widened to miles
I saw you disappear to the eyes
Pass the thoughts, out of the mind

They seem to float while you standing still
They're at peace yet chaos brews within
You wonder why you many miles behind

We don't see eye to eye
It seems you don't mind
What clouded your mind?
Wiped your beautiful smile

Yesterday a virus broke loose
Spreading from heart to heart
Painted in these walls in words
Yet none may have her heart

Who knows a woman but a woman?
For she shares in her pangs
She who knows all her fears
Did she not wear the same shoe?

Tell your girl she is lucky
She has your time and heart
She lays her head on your chest
She leans on your shoulders

What if tis love that knocked
In the mid of the darkened night
Yet fear held you back
The past pulled you back


Phumla Khanyile is first and foremost a mother of three, a grandmother, a daughter, and a sister. To some, she is a reliable friend. She studied Journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa; looking back, she says this was her then misdirected heed to the love she has always had for writing. Her ventures into writing poetry are recent. She calls them her ‘means of self-release from emotions of things experienced personally or observed’. Her poems are heart-felt, and Phumla hopes they appeal to other emotional souls out there, talk healing, and preach understanding to those who have the need. Phumla’ s work features in a number of poetry groups on Facebook and in the year 2015 she has been published in two poetry anthologies: Cupid (published in Zimbabwe in February) and Letters from Africa (published in Uganda in May) and Out of the Storm (published in US) . In the Month of September, her first book Love Notes hit the shores of Mzansi (South Africa) and braced Amazon pages. Few of her poems have been also selected to be featured in the Nomads Choir Poetry Journal to be published in 2016. What distinguishes Phumla from other writers is mainly her style of writing and tone. She writes from the heart and evokes strong emotions through her pieces.)


I Am Who I Am!

Am deeper than the ocean
My waves rise and fall
They gather and pour

I am unstoppable
I flow against the winds
Though they blow wild

Like a thousand stones of sands
Am scattered along the shores
Am carried over the lands

I stand tall against all weight
My will refuse to bend
I walk with my head held high

I am wider than the wild
So unconfined are my visions
I see beyond the envisioned

I am greener than the pastures
Fertile like my forefathers' lands
Ploughed in me are his seeds of wisdom

I am the running rivers
The falling waterfalls
I gather into lakes and ponds

If you want to hear me well
Listen to the whirr of the winds
The splashing of the waters

I am who I am
The unbendable rod
The grinding stone

I am my father's daughter
A princess of my clan
I am the strong post that holds

Who are you?


Clyde Takwada 12 January 2016

Go PK climb the ladder dear friend. As you ascend to you destined territory we will unceasingly cheer you up motivated by the many heartfelt poems you compose for us. keep on writing, don't allow our eyes and souls hunger for the consoling words of your poetry. May God continue seeing throughout this whole project.

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Poetry is like lemons made turns pain to valuable lessons, disappointments to determinations. If you let it, poetry can truly heal your ills. Its release bandages all sorts of oozing wounds. In the world that is so hurting, we need words that give hope. Music is slowly failing to deliver but poetry will keep to its promise. Poetry is worth a chance! If it was worth in the days of old, to speak poetically in the book of Proverbs and Psalms, why not today? Poetry allows us to go back to true nakedness where we bear our souls unashamed, breaking defensive walls of perfectness to allow others to find their stand through our falls, to reconnect with their humanness, to know that their flaws are not peculiar. ‪#‎ILive‬&BreathePoetry!

Poetry is a calling to be a mouth piece for verses that are pregnant with meaningful messages. Shooting words that heals, breaking all defenses and shaming to change!



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