09. On The Golden Regal Throne Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

09. On The Golden Regal Throne

Deep in your soul,
On the golden regal throne,
You endowed me with kingship
On whatever ever you have;
Enthralled by your gifts,
Overwhelmed by its wealth,
I devoted to you myself.

You looked not back thereafter,
Stone after stone and row after row,
Love and trust’s temple you raised
Around me in sanctum sanctorum;
So sacred I felt myself,
I rose to God’s heights
And bestowed you with devout boons.

Years passed by,
And you blossomed like jasmine;
A thousand princes sought
Your golden regal throne;
A hundred ministers around
Heckled you to select one
And cornered you to oblige one.

You yielded not a whit,
You looked aside with contempt;
While endowed me with kingship,
You refused the throne outside;
I watched the game from afar,
And ordained to move me from the throne
To give you a concerted life.

Silently you wept all that day,
And refused to vacate me from throne;
You moved away step by step,
But, held my kingship and throne intact;
You moved to stark solitude
Of the love and trust’s temple you raised
To worship me in sanctum sanctorum.

I knew your love,
But valued your joy;
I knew not love itself is joy;
No joy you have away from me,
No life you see distant from me;
I found how deep and devout you are,
No worlds can stir your faith in me.

You gave me your throne,
You gave kingship over you,
For what great cause, I cannot figure ever;
You stuck to me forever
At considerable sacrifice
To stay as mine all through my soul,
For what great grist, I cannot figure ever.

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