70. Everlasting Joy Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

70. Everlasting Joy

In songs more than stars on night sky
In tunes more than waves in deep sea,
I called you, day and night, for years;
In colours deeper than evening sky,
In canvas larger than high sea,
I fancied you reaching me in wings;
Years rolled like ripe leaves in winter,
The songs withered, tunes smothered
The canvas weathered, colours devalled,
You are still there; I, here.

How thoughtless, vain, self-seeking like fox
Am I to call you from the golden land
Where angels serve and Gods solicit,
To this well of ignorance, and sufferings!
You must be there and I, here,
Like birds in the sky and frogs on earth;
The peace you have in cloudless sky,
The joy you have while fly in cool breeze,
The rhythms you produce while flap your wings,
I feel from here and have them all.

No sad memories, no sweet memories,
No more eyes on unknown horizons
While you play in my world, this very moment
Like sweetness hidden in unripe sour grapes;
No eternal search must strain the soul,
No muddles more on distinct being;
The days of young romance are pregnant yet
As you smile from a land not distant nor mystic
And bygones, not bygones forever any more;
The Sun indeed sets to rise again in the East,

You came like dawn with fresh rays of hope
And spread life-giving bright sunshine,
You gave sweet colours to just upcoming life,
Which are now absorbed to pleasing white glow;
The melodies you produced, the fragrance you spread
Continue to fill and dance in heart,
The feelings you roused, the ripples you raised
Continue to pull the chords of life;
You made this life a dulcet music,
A passionate painting, a sensuous poetry.

The light you brought gives warmth to heart
And flows in veins like electric charge;
I feel wings sprout, I feel on winds,
I feel very high without the Earth’s drag;
You gave me strength, you gave confidence
To conquer evil force anywhere on the Earth;
I feel like stars, I feel like bright specks
In sweet spread of the love and trust
You filled in soft world where we did meet
To share our joy of give and take.

You dyed my heart in everlasting beauty,
You dyed my soul in everlasting joy;
The soft, fast beauty and fast, bright joy
In the heat of day, in glooms of night,
In the chills of winter, in clouds of rainy-days,
In the strains of life, in pains of sad tides
Keep self fresh and fragrant as ever;
How the Moon’s wane and wax can ever stir his true form?
How the patches of setting Sun eat up the blue of sky?
The lamp you lit scares bad moods far from me.

You spread like space from the Earth to Heaven,
From horizon to horizon in East, West, North, South
With wings as fast and strong as mind;
You watch the Universe by the Sun in day, by the Moon in night
And commune with all by the sparkles of stars;
I feel your breath by the fragrance of flowers;
I feel your moods by the moods of the sky,
The colours of trees and cycles of seasons;
While you pierce all pores and moles of this world,
How can I grieve that you are nowhere?

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