♥ ♥ .Dont.♥ ♥ Poem by jade MOnteScLArOS

♥ ♥ .Dont.♥ ♥

yoUr AlwaYS,

talkIng TO ME,

That WAy,

eVen iT’s Not iT.

yOU Want,

to put me in,

A PlaCE WheRE,

you thiNK I beLong.

You Want Me,

to Stay up HerE,

anD WaIt For,

Your WoRds to DrOp.

you Want SomethiNG,

To happeN,

eVeN i Don’t Want,

ThaT To HappEn.

You Want Me,

to OverlOoked what,

You’VE hEadEd,

For Me.

You Want Me,

to Be somEbody,

eLse, sOmebOdy

who’s noT Me.

you’re ALwaYS,

thIngKinG of A,

waY, You thiNk,

thaT best fOr Me.

bUt PlEasE For OnCe,

Dont TeLL Me what,

is GoNnA be RiGht,

for ME.

Don’t TRy To Arrange,

thIngs For Me,

DOn’t tRy To DreSs,

me AS iF yoU Know.

Don’T Try to be,

PerFecT in The,

eyE oF The pEoPLe,

WatchiNg You.

Don’T TeLL mE,

HoW To ACt, ’

If your just,

PrEtEnDinG YOuRs.

doNt Tell me,

What ShoUld i Say,

if iT’s Not wHat,

i MEan to Say.

Don’t Try to hoLD mE,

if you cant holD YouRs,

Din’t Try To be StupiD,

If you’re just ForCe To.

Don’T tRy to TeLL me,

thiS Is The RiGt WaY,

You HAve no,

riGht OveR ME.

i AM,

wHat i WantEd to Be,

i Want t0 be,

The Real ME

jade MOnteScLArOS

jade MOnteScLArOS

CeBu CiTy, , But Now Im In MaNiLA
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