A Chance That Broke Me Poem by Alyona Korovnik

A Chance That Broke Me

I took a chance and told you yes
You said we tried, and it didn't workout
You broke my heart
My best friend broke my heart
The one person I thought would never break my trust, broke it
You want us to go back to being best friends like nothing happened
Like no kisses, hugs, love was shared
I can't just go back like nothing
I wanted us so I took a chance, I suppose it was my fault
Knowing I was never your type
I should have known you only wanted me because you seen me
Moving on and getting happy with someone else
I fear you only asked me out so you wouldn't lose me
I made you happy as a friend but nothing else.
You really did some damage

Monday, June 14, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: selfish,best friend,broken,broken friendship,broken heart,moving on
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