A Chemlot In Amberwoods Poem by Naveed Khalid

A Chemlot In Amberwoods

Wherefore oft I beget full moon thy face
beside a cypress boat,
cheeks her red like apple-tarts;
strawberry lips will break all hearts,
hair are under the cow's shed
grow vine-ivy on the wall;
birds sit sing in the fall;
blush'd roses smile
on virgin mother's breast as I
go to bed of oak, pricked with
a hawthorn, her night-long love,
goes loitering around the world:
of way too far a golden clime,
unattended by the clock of rustic feet
upon the sand dunes,
purest white array'd ribbons
from blue heaven,
break lose their oars to thee,
less troubled by the sea of desert titan
at clover-beach;
no mirror reflects more bright such stepping
stones against thine holy eyen:
of fealty's Apollo at my door,
the cat still purrs at the citadel
of good old days in the cellar-barn;
like to the lark at break of day
arise, arise small minions
of soring thumb impressions!
half-so ill distempered brain
of e'ery skipped beat,
my pulse tells no time of sans teeth,
sans eyes; most abound some dry leaves
of book in autumn,
so fairly lost scope of first frost
her falling winter snow;
oft leaves me in dismay full many
a glorious star-y velorum,
bespeaks of self-consuming art
in reality of the mind,
my shipwrecked dreams by thatch-eaves
is run e'ery flower upon
a barren heath, of forg'd manacles
thy iron frame hath a laurel wreath
thy myrtle crown in rosemary garden.44

(C) Naveed Khalid

Copy Rights (C) 2016.
All Rights Reserved.

Date Created: Saturday, February 11,2017.1: 14 PM

* Come, ye let's walk a mile down the road
in amberwoods!

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