A Christmas Encomium Poem by Christopher Blanchett

A Christmas Encomium

Rating: 0.5

As the year draws to its end,
I find myself pondering all the events
Of this life changing perfect year.
Many thoughts come rushing unbidden
To a mind that has been shown
A capacity for love and friendship,
That has been offered me, unrestricted,
By the many people that I have met.

All my friends are here with me,
As together we celebrate the life
And love that we have found
Through this past year of change.
Revolving emotions, we have also shared,
In the sadness and heartbreak of losing those,
Who will not be here this Christmas.
To them, we toast to absent friends.

To the laughter in which we have joined,
But there have been dark times too.
Where we thought that love retreated from light,
We found that it was always ready
To heal and soothe away the pain,
Blessed by help from those we love,
That returned a joy in friendship.
To you, I raise my glass.

So as I muse and welcome the season,
The snow has been falling steadily.
The tree of hope occupies it's usual spot,
It's wonders in their customary places,
Awaiting the day of the year.
Matriarchs, quietly making plans
To spend the day gathered together as
A welcome warmth has invaded my life.

Outside, berries red resplendent,
Show starkly against the purifying white.
A memory of fun stands alone in the garden
His carrot nose and coal eyes,
Begging us to come and play again;
And we shall, another time, another season,
But for now he will stand as a monument,
Until the great thaw sends him home.

My children are preparing,
Excitement illuminating expectant faces,
So small and full of innocent joy;
Awaken in me memories and thoughts,
Of mine own Christmas Past.
The promise of Christmases yet to come,
And lights! and cards! and cakes! and fruit!
A feast for souls at this time of giving!

We make way for the passing of the year:
Into a new tomorrow we run,
Filled with hope and a yen for truth
That speaks to our souls in ways
Of which we cannot yet comprehend.
'Tis enough to know that you are here,
And that at this wondrous time of the year,
I can simply say to all here gathered:

Merry Christmas, my friends,
How I have enjoyed your company.

Boris Johnson 21 May 2018

What a load of old fippery.

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Trees Are May 04 September 2018

Cliched verse from a man who wanted remain voters to commit suicide by hanging so he could carve his initials into their bodies. Thoroughly obnoxious individual.

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POTUS 12 July 2018

What a load of tosh

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A. Critic 11 July 2018

About as bad as it gets.

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Paul Nuttal 22 May 2018

Oi you utter ponce This slops not as good as my “Ancient Mariner “

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Nigel Farage 22 May 2018

Happy Christmassive you old Kipper

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