A Diamond In The Rough...Smarties Poem by Anashree Nash

A Diamond In The Rough...Smarties

Uncut, unpolished;
Lies the diamond in the rough,
A rare and precious gem is he;
Whose price is worth,
Far greater than any polished;
Gem that stood in,
A museum of time.

A heart that's;
Unseen to many,
But to those whom he has;
Let close to him,
Will know his heart;
Of pureness and truth,
And that of altruism.

Self made through;
His intelligence, perseverance,
And constant hard work;
He has paved his,
Way through life;
And transformed himself into,
The man he's become.

A man who has climbed up;
The mountain of life,
Without stepping;
Onto the heads on any,
Or using anyone;
Other than himself,
To reach the peak of success in his life.

Uncut, unpolished;
Lies the diamond in the rough,
A rare and precious gem is he;
Whose price is worth,
Far greater than any polished;
Gem that stood in,
A museum of time.

As you continue to race;
Through the many laps,
You have left in this life;
On your final victory lap,
Remember me and;
Our feuds and the love,
And laughter we shared.

For you are my diamond in the rough;
Precious and rare you are,
And will remain to be;
You took care of me,
When life brought me to my knees;
Your life was my lifeline,
I will forever remember thee.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,love
A tribute to someone special, whom I consider a diamond in the rough. Only when you know him, underneath the layers of him, you will know how valuable he is and see he holds such altruism that's precious and rare in life. He has a heart of gold as well. And even though he thinks I don't think much of him, the truth is, I think the world of him. He's honest, and true, and does not use people to get to where he wants to be, I guess that's what I love the most about him. Smarties is his nickname. He would know this poem is for him. Love you dimples ;) , mwah! ! !
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