A Dream Of Long Ago Poem by Yvonne Philpott

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Yvonne Philpott

Yvonne Philpott

Village of Happiness, Kwa Zulu Natal

A Dream Of Long Ago

Last rays of light pierced ruined temple walls,
Exploring cracks, niches, old in age and worn.
Creating visions of those bygone days
Fleeting moments in the probing rays,
Ling'ring on the great stone altar head,
sparkling on silver amulets and thread.
Spilling pools of gold on ancient floor,
Trodden by many feet in days of yore.
As I sit in wonder - all alone -
Against the aged and crumbling stone,
I saw Lissom nymphs and bacchants fleet
Dancing to Pan's pipes so sweet.
And the softly shifting light so moved
To where Horus, falcon headed stood
And Osiris who judged the soul of man.
Onward the mystic rays sweep and scan
To find crouching in cobweb haze
Anubis - silent watcher of the grave.
In shimm'ring mirage was then
The shadow form of Akhenten?
Son of the Sun, dreaming the while
Along the ever flowing Nile?

So they all appear in stealthy light
And as I watched faded, all, from sight.
Then, with cymbal clash and thunderous roar!!
From the North raged the mighty Thor!
Stitching the clouds with lightning thread
Hurling fire, flood, ice and dread
In his fury of the darkened night
Daring all others to surpass his might!
And from jewelled Eastern couch afar,
rose sun crowned, royal, majestic Ra;
With his flaming sword held on high
Swept all darkness from the sky.
Sending surly Thor to his Northern climb
Kept sentry of the heaven for his allotted time.

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Yvonne Philpott

Yvonne Philpott

Village of Happiness, Kwa Zulu Natal
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