A Familiar Story (Terra) Poem by Peter Vector

A Familiar Story (Terra)

Long ago,
Silence sets the seen for the cold dark nights.

Sparkling oceans dazzled like twinkling stars under the sun
So clean and blue like a cloudless midday sky
And right before twilight the horizon glowed bright orange and red
Dotted with the shapes of planets yet know to anyone

Later great fields of earth and plant-life covered the sod
With brilliant green grasses and rich golden grains
The mountains rose up as if guardians of the heavens
Their crags and jagged peaks could almost touch the other galaxies

Soon wild beasts inhabited the fertile plains and the deep waters
Thriving and surviving, growing and living, evolving and diverging
And one day a new beast unlike the others was among them

It grew and learned, and spoke and named, and lived
Soon the one new beast was not a beast anymore
But rather it, (to itself) was something greater
And it was now not alone but had others of its kind

And they grew and learned, and survived and lived
They tamed the clean water, they polluted it with filth
They caught the sun and made fire, they destroyed with flames
They cut down the big trees then living, they killed the forest
They flattened the mountains, they took what was to be for everyone

Everything they touched died.
The other beast were soon gone.
The sparkling water was all blackened.
The smoke had darkened out the bright sun.
The trees had all been burned to as.
The mountains had be broken to rubble.

And one day it was to late
They only then realized what they had done
Their one home was laid to waste
And it was because of them

So the Silence that set the first cold nights,
Ended the last of their race.

Long ago.

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