A Global War With Invisible Enemy Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

A Global War With Invisible Enemy

A Global War With Invisible Enemy
Enforced us to reshape social norms & values
Along with it, the ways of expressing sympathy,
Love, condolences and affection got changed.
Due to severity of transmission of killer virus,
One fears to hug one's children and loved ones.
Personal distancing truned reliable guideline
For slowing down the wide spread of pandemic.
In epicenter area, bereaved families hardly find
Cemetery workers forburial or cremation of corpses.
No mourners at the moment to offer a prayer
No relatives visit there to express condolences.
One is not allowed to kiss deceased victim
No matter how dear and near he or she is.
We all are pretty sorry for not being in position
To pay respect to preserve dignity of those who died.
Suggested no to collect ashes of corpses in China.
Religious and funeral ceremonies, tradition reshaped.
Manner and etiquette of the world got changed
To curb the risk of spreading virus in community.
One infected person might infect thousands
Change your behaviour along with severity of desaster
Don't give any one,chance to blame you as a cause
No one is allowed to skip self care and social distancing
No doubt, It is demand of time to save human species.

Composed by Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved

Sunday, April 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,humanity,respect,value,virus
Anil Kumar Panda 05 April 2020

Its an eye opener for all of us. Nature does not give chances often. We should try to change our life styles or face doomsday. Very nice poem on the hot topic of the present world situation. Thanks for sharing.

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