A Love Poem Poem by Paramananda Mahanta

A Love Poem

Missing in the shadows of life.

When morning waits
Burying the follies of youth,
Snatching a rhyming breath
Of a simmering warmth,
Anchoring of a softly
angled view of the past.
An Inching fragrance of life
Tenders my thoughts,
Makes me unaware
Of a swallowing softness.
In a patient waiting
I fill my drained tank
With blinkless eyes,
In blossoming calmness
Gossiping thoughts,
And flickering senses
Whistling joy of a passing time
In the shadows of time,
When love dips
For a craving heart,
Searching ears
Haunted veins,
Waits for a missing you
For endless blessings,
Where love cheers
In the showers of life,
For a grain of wholeness
A patent, you in me.

Copyright 2019
Paramananda Mahanta
All rights reserved

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