Mother's Love
By' Tracy Chassion" written on 02/14/2017
Dedicated to My beloved mom: Mrs. Eleanor Chassion
A mother's love will never die, A mother's love is so precious it makes you want to cry.
A mother's love is fierce yet bold, fiery heart full of love and blessed heart's. A mother's love is never too prideful nor does it boast-
A mother's love can never be ignored.
A mother's love is priceless & non-negotiable, never ever replaceable.
A mother's love is pure, scared & true to herself.
A mother's love is radiant, sheer devouring in fullness of captivating the soul's spirit.
A mother's love is never earned, it comes naturally inform.
A mother's love will never die for her children.
A mother's love will capture every moment.
A mother's love is here to stay cherished in my heart every single day.
A mother's love is sent from heavens above.
A mother's love is adored.
A mother's love is priceless never to be tagged nor pulled-nor can you separate it.
A mother's love is beauty & grace in fashion & in form.
I thank GOD for my mom he gifted to me.
You only get one earthly birth mom, you can have other mentors of a mother's love filled by another beautiful soul-
A mother's love is so caring yet kind sweet and never fearing.
A mother's love is what has carried me through this life, until we meet again.
Happy early birthday mom.
Always & Forever you are a part of me & in my heart & soul!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem