A New Species Poem by Curtis Johnson

A New Species

A New Species
By Curtis Johnson

In an Asian city, a new and infamous name began.
'They were called Christians first at Antioch'.*
Defined by the heart and mind of their founder,
They were to be unlike anything that ever existed.

This species was built upon relationship with its maker; and not disconnection from him.
She fulfilled and bridged the past with the present and all eternity.

Same creator, same designer, and same planer of all species.
For six days He created everything; and then He rested.

Later, there was a world wide deluge; and things were altered; most destroyed.
Generations would transpire before God created a totally new breed of creatures*.

This new species called Christian, was not made from nothing. But being made a new type of human, she would become the new model for all. What a remarkable and revolutionary concept! How different from every human before! !

This human species did not find God; they, like all others, were lost; He found and recreated them!

This species is essentially about loving, not 50/50, but 100% unconditionally.
She's about giving and not taking; about giving out of love; and not for personal gain.
She finds life through death; she has no room for hate.

No, this new species cannot procreate; but there's reproduction by proclamation.
She propagates loving God with all the heart; and loving the neighbor as one's self.
Yes, she's a new kind of species!
03312016 cj Acts 11: 26,2Cor.5: 17

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: christian,creation,new
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