A Painful Day In April -Virginia Tech Poem by Kathryn Tyler King

A Painful Day In April -Virginia Tech

It was a cold and snowy day at Virginia Tech.
Students were bustling and rushing around.
Shots were fired. A man and woman found.
But no more shots. Did anyone even check?

Too much time had elapsed that cold day.
Students and teachers continued to class.
Where did the shooter run off to? But alas,
He found another room to have his way.

More shots were heard, my stomach turns.
I saw those pictures and heard the sounds.
The carnage and death, the hurt abounds.
My heart’s just aching and causes concerns.

It’s over now but so many have been taken.
To God they go and we stand here shocked.
The shooter’s spewed out words that mocked.
He took his own life thinking he’s forsaken.

We all are grieving so many, many good lives.
Will these shootings ever cease or ever stop?
The answer is no. Our society has flopped.
We’re all looking for warm fuzzies and vibes.

What is the message that we need to hear?
Will new laws bring change or will they not?
What the Bible says is true. It hits the spot.
In these last days there’s so much more fear.

So believers take note of the days and times.
Awaken you sleepers. This may be your last.
With all your energy pray and make a fast.
See that you do and say what God has in mind.

The Lord will return and we need to look up.
When everyone around us is really too busy
And not seeing the Truth and acting so silly.
It’s not time to eat or even drink from a cup.

Help us God not to be numb to these things.
Make us sensitive to the loss and the hurting.
We pray for them and those wretches flirting
With the idea of destruction their mind brings.

James B. Earley 02 April 2008

A poignant tribute my friend! Thanks.

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