A Place Of Rest Poem by Mizz Molli

A Place Of Rest

his knees weary, bones that ache, he moves towards the warmth
following footsteps laid he makes his way through the forrest growth, his hands are cold
listening to sounds of new, hearing whispers of our old souls
he finds his tree, waits out the storm

hidden in the undergrowth, he whispers, finally a place of rest
the rain singing its own tune, the birds tuning in
he stops to listen

closing his eyes he prays, he prays for the birds who sing for him
he prays for the forrest, it keeps him safe
he prays for his friends, they give him reason to live
he prays for the man who took his family from him, forgiveness he is learning
finally he prays for himself, to forgive himself

his head full of reason, excuses lay in his heart, is it to late
the day is passing, clouded by the forrests family
is he hiding

cunfused, awake, he rubs his eyes, its a new day
the birds still singing a tune for him
his friends still wait for him
his family in the palm of gods hands, they are safe
he has reason, he has forgiven

C. P. Sharma 08 March 2010

'This our life exempt from public haunt Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones and good in everything.' Wordsworth

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