A Poem For You Poem by vivvy ruby

A Poem For You

Rating: 2.5

I miss
the gentleness of your caress
your lips of tenderness
your words of solace
the broadness of your shoulders
your behavior so cautious
I know we were together only yesterday
but it feels like it was years past then
I don't ever want you to go away
and I promise by your side I will stay
Promise to fill your days with bliss
With unending peace and ease
With sufficient grace and a steady pace
Our relationship will grow and maintain its glow
Letting the rivers of love flow
Overcoming all of life's blows
Never letting go of our dreams and ambitions
Sticking to them and holding close our visions
Living by them faithfully
and accomplishing them steadily
Not slowly or hurriedly
I will love your imperfections perfectly
Although it's driving me crazy
This love I feel for you baby
Our relationship I will never forfeit
I will never deny or disclaim it.
When I sit to eat
Or lay my head down to sleep
In my thoughts you will always be
It's not about what I feel but what I feel.
I carry you around in my heart
'Cause of my being you form a very big part
My love for you is not an act
and I'm glad it is you I have
You are a blessing from above
My dear, with you I have no fear
I love you, this is true
Believe you me my boo

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