A Poem I Wrote About My Mother Which I Read Out At Her Funeral she Had 9 Children And Lived Till She Was 96! Poem by Lynette Bednall

A Poem I Wrote About My Mother Which I Read Out At Her Funeral she Had 9 Children And Lived Till She Was 96!


I would like to pay a tribute to my mother who was kind
Her life was very busy it is stored within my mind
She had a privileged childhood one sister by her side
Her parents they were lovely and cared for her with pride
Her values and integrity shone throughout her life
They helped her cope with hardship her worries and her strife

She gave birth to nine children and simply loved us all
Worked hard to try and raise us that task was rather tall
She kept us clean and tidy and gave us lovely names
Spent hours in the kitchen whilst we all played our games
She fed us all throughout each day and put us all to bed
Then finally her time would come to rest her weary head

As we grew much older and helped with her with her jobs
She would take on cleaning to earn an extra bob
She lead a healthy lifestyle no bad habits did she chance
Took pride in her appearance and looked so elegant
She never looked her age was glamorous and toned
She spoke so very nicely especially on the phone

She loved to have her parties and keep to social trends
Our house was always heaving with family and friends
She loved to take her holidays when we were very young
And bought us special clothes the night before were hung
It must have been a trial to keep us all together
Traveling on a train to seek some better weather

She would march us all along with our buckets and our spades
We always had to stop as the bingo urge invades
She would sit upon the stool and slide the little slats
and really get excited when she won her money back

Dancing was her passion and she would love to go
Dancing with my father her face would really glow
She was clever and artistic and she could really paint
Her writing was so regal and so very quaint
Her talent lay in sewing and she would sit for hours
On a treddle from her mother electric did not power
I used to watch her feet going up and down
And intricate manouvers to produce a special gown

Her cooking was delightful her mother taught her well
We had to have two sittings before our hunger she could quell
She had this sense of humour a one direction path
Her mind was on the naughty side she used to make us laugh

She really loved her garden her passion was her flowers
She also loved the sunshine she would stay outside for hours
She loved to get a suntan and proudly show it off
Do you think I'm brown she'd say in her strappy top

She loved to go abroad and visit all our quarters enjoyed the love and care
She got from all her daughters
She idolised her sons she had many more than three
She looked forward to their visits and welcomed them with glee
She would find them little jobs to do all within her home
She would make them cups of tea before they chanced to roam

She lived in many places and moved around a lot
She finally found her roots once more within a little plot
Our family rallied round and made a better kitchen
Whilst she was on a cruise because her feet were itching

She was blessed with many grandchildren nineteen to be precise
Who then produced more children twenty four within a trice
She loved them all so dearly and they would visit her
At times it got chaotic she simply could not hear

Her memory started fading forgetfulness ensued
Her legs they started aching a wheelchair she would use
Despite her ageing years she still put on her make up
Her hair was always trendy and her nails were long and painted

She had this lovely smile her face lit up and glowed
When we made her a visit and our love really showed
She simply was delighted when she had first seen
Her telegram that was delivered it came from the Queen
Seventy years of marriage and she had survived
She deserved a medal perhaps the nobel prize

A month from her birthday the good lord called to her
Come and see your husband he's waiting for you here
We gathered all around her and told her our goodbyes
She slipped away so peacefully before our very eyes

We celebrate her life now in oh so many ways goodbye our dearest Mother
till we meet again one day

This poem came from my heart
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