A Poets Heart Is Usually Broken But What If Her Heart Is Lost? Poem by nicole feltes

A Poets Heart Is Usually Broken But What If Her Heart Is Lost?

Im sorry that my heart breaks that my eyes shed tears

im sorry my voice doesnt travel to your ears so you know how i feel

im sorry i cant tell you how i feel or is it felt i dont know

when your trapped in darkness you try to find the light but what if you dont want to

what if your done fighting and stay lost what future will that become

if the pain ceases over time and the anger builds maybe ill find myself

if the tears keep on shedding and the blood never falls upon the ground maybe ill live?

the grey sky is all i see the sun in the background ask a normal person to look upon the sky what do you see

nothing they say and now they understand what i feel

nothing they see but i see a million things im lost like thunder in the clouds or lightning on a sunny day

im sharper than razorblades in the pouring rain and im a fallen angel i lost my wings i cannot fly

my purpose where i have no clue anymore help people Ha i cant help myself but i think its okay

every dark person has a bad past right or maybe were all just lost souls bound to die sometime

im just the one who actually see's it i see the complete utter darkness the pain in everyone's eyes

some read this and think wow she is truelly bizarre or screwed up in the head

no im being realitic im being myself if you dont understand you dont understand pain or hurt and should not have read at all

i should stop writing for i have nothing else to say i guess i should say see you later because goodbye is to far from now

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