A Prayer For Children.. All Over The World Poem by Marcus Czarnecki

A Prayer For Children.. All Over The World

The happy smiling faces of the children as they open gifts today.. all over the world.

The dark unhappy faces of those with nothing and no one.. all over the world.

The frightened faces of those children for whom abuse is reality, ever present.. all over the world.

The lost children.. wandering through the terrain of the self - seeking comfort that is out of reach... all over the world.

Through war, hunger, poverty, wealth, complaint, comparison, hate; the dying ones with dirty water, no medicine, no milk. Shortage of mothers. Shortage of care. Shortage of love.. all over the world.

Bereft of power, of voice, of value; lost in the world of fear and suffering.. making wrong choices down dark paths.. all over the world.

For you - I am chanting powerfully, loudly, gently, with resolve, with love, with deep certainty for your ultimate happiness, your safety, your marvellous life, your victory, your fulfilling of your mission... all over the world.

Children of the world. Those present. Those to come. Those who left too early.

A prayer for your endless protection.
You may not receive a gift today.. but my vast heart is here chanting for you.
Have no fear.
There are millions like me.
We have a mentor whose vision for you is as loving, as deep, as certain as time itself.

You maybe invisible to many, but not to us.
For you, we continue.. all over the world.

With love and compassion and endless care.. all over the world.

With prayer.. all over the world.

Wipe away your tears. A new world is coming that will be yours.. where you will be safe and happy, able to heal, to grow, to be free.. all over the world.

Written for all the children 25.12.21

Written for all the children 25.12.21
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