A Question Of Morality Poem by Anbudan Miththiran

A Question Of Morality

You ask me what I think of this immoral age
How can we curb the vices that enrage?

I say, the answer lies within each soul
To master one's own senses is the goal
To live a life of purity and grace
To follow the path of celibacy and embrace

You scoff and say that's just a Hindu creed
You think that I belong to some Hindutva breed

You ask me what religion can prevent the crimes
That plague our society in these troubled times

I say, you're missing the point of my reply
You're looking for a label to apply

You keep your mouths shut and your eyes blind
You don't see the truth that's hard to find

You claim to be religious, but what do you know?
What religion teaches love and compassion so?
What religion upholds morality and ethics?
What religion fosters responsibility and civics?
Show me your credentials, you hypocrites!

You eat whatever food you find when hungry
You don't care who cooked it or what's their belief
Then why do you need religion to be free
From the evils that cause you grief?

You don't need scriptures or rituals to be good
You just need simple principles to be understood
Got it, pretenders?

Monday, October 30, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: religious,wisdom,poems,lessons of life,life,religion,morality,moral teachings,thoughts,poem
This poem is a rhetorical question that challenges the reader to think about the meaning and source of morality. The speaker expresses their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, where people use religion as a pretext for violence, corruption, and discrimination. The speaker argues that morality is not dependent on religion, but on one's own conscience and reason. The speaker also advocates for celibacy as a way of attaining spiritual purity and grace, and criticizes those who indulge in sexual pleasures without regard for the consequences. The poem uses a strong and defiant tone, as well as various literary devices such as rhyme, alliteration, and metaphor.
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