A Riddle (Rose's Mountain) Poem by Andy Caldwell

A Riddle (Rose's Mountain)

you can't own a mountain
you only think you can
it will outlast you
you may be buried on it
and your flesh reverts to dust
it in turn has a claim on you
the mountain wants your body
when your life is through
or if we were to look at it
a totally other way
you can choose the menu
but you can not eat the food
the intrinsic value has made it
difficult to purchase
harder then to own,
and impossible to use
still it is yours to loose
the food tastes so very wonderful
though it's meat is very poisonous
the fruit is full of venom
Some how you want it
and it wants you
 it will simply kill you
yes you can buy the mountain 
it will still own you
there is no other way
this is a test.... do you understand
it's truth I cannot directly say
I figured out this riddle
to write it any other way
would cause my death
I give to you this gold nugget
you need to do the rest
 if your ears will hear
and your eyes will see
if your mind will think abstractly
you will find this gold
the mountain will release it's hold
then you will grow intense
and this will all make sense

Friday, May 9, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy

very nice poem so much meanings and to say through the poem.

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