A Servant's Prayer Poem by Long Tooth

A Servant's Prayer

Let my life and witness be the shelter others seek,
A cloud providing shade that proffers silver lining,
Let souls find refreshment and a place where they can rest,
(Oh, let the needy share the nascent softness of my nest.)

Let me not judge ignorance (in mirror that reflects,)
Claim greater worth by evidence of other's failures,
Surely not blame God for His provision I ignore,
And walk in faith like Pilgrim on my way to unknown shore.

Guide me to the path whose cobblestones pave road to Grace
May service be my posture, (though lost souls rejecting
Comfort choose to struggle with their ego's choice and fear,)
For Grace of God's complete, it has no need to interfere!

Grant, I serve Your will and not a sycophant's intent,
God grace my heart to welcome every soul's unveiling,
Love can never be a place where truth remains unheard,
Bless search in faith for answers that You offer in Your Word.

Long Tooth
July 18,2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,love
Sunday Igwebuike 20 July 2017

The poem is wonderful and fantastic. It is illustrative. The poet is offering hope for humanity. The poem is like a pathway for the people of the world. To serve is the greatest obligation of our humanity. And a service that is based on God's trust(Grace) is the best that can happen to our humanity. A great poem indeed!

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