A Silent Soul Poem by Hassaan Ahmad Noori

A Silent Soul

Rating: 5.0

The climate changed; and it rained for an hour,
Lost in some thought, I was drenched in shower.
It was…? The "first day" of my class…,
Feeling quiet excited, it was happening, at last!
Wondering around, I got nothing to do
Sitting near an ajar window, I hold some view.
And I wonder!

Is she a "seraph", I asked my friend,
But his retort was platitudinous.
Hallucination? It can't be that,
My friend ignored it, giving me a pat.
A pat full of console, as I was mad.
I was lost and my dreams were wrought,
As I left over with exquisitive thought'
And I wonder!

From where to start; from where to end,
Filling my sense with spice and scent.
Enigmatic eyes! Neither green nor blue,
Leaving behind not even a single clue.
The angels live in heaven; all that I knew.
Where a "Blessed Damozel" - looking for her love and bow.
A silent shadow- a hidden emotion,
Which turned my heart, giving it a motion.

I was waiting….! For more then two year to see,
Whether the hearty blossom, found the tree.
But still her emotions were the same,
And her glittering eyes wished something to say.
Why are you so silent? Please open your eyes,
What you can see…is my smiling face, but never my heart's cry.
This world is too small to hide your emotion.
But I know I mean nothing to you, just a lotion.
May be my words stood as the stone in queue,
But trust me, it will never hurt you.

Once she saw me, with her graceful eyes which made me proud,
And she veiled herself in the clouds.
After a year or may be more then two,
I saw her again, when the sky was blue.
Oh! I lost her, but found her again,
My memories for her, were like an old frame.

Is she my love? For whom I was looking for years,
Like a burning candle, having tears.
And I will always cherish memories of those days,
When I used to see her in different phase.
I always abided by what she says
"My love for him Is more then anything"
I tried to hate him, but I couldn't,
Coz, he is the love of my pride.

My soul! My heart! Ad my each breath!
Wished for them _ "A happy life".
In this world or hereafter for years,
I will always remember you in my silent tears.

This is my first poem when i was in AMU.This is love poem, a feeling which is hard to express.
Dr Antony Theodore 17 March 2016

My soul! My heart! Ad my each breath! Wished for them _ A happy life. In this world or hereafter for years, I will always remember you in my silent tears. Beautiful love poem very well expressed. full of emotion and passion. loved reading your poem. thank you very much. tony

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Hassaan Noori 21 March 2017

Thank you so much!

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