A Storm Poem by Lora Cooley

A Storm

These scars will fade away
But never disappear
The cause of this harm will go unnoticed by people all around
But count me among those gifted few
Who will raise there fists like lightning rods to god
And if he strikes us down
And he will strike me down
I will scream until he sees what he doesn't want to see
A broken soul
Since that's all that's left in me
Let him hear my cry
And let it sound into the night
The sound of me stepping off into the water
Causing a wave to break each shore
Let me wash upon the beaches
And stand up again
So he may see me and all of my broken soul's might
Wanting to raise my hand in defiance
To show this battered and broken body
A look upon my face to reveal the ugly scars
That hide under my skin
Wanting to scream into the heavens
Stop trying to keep me down
I rise from the ashes
I fight my fight
I lose every time
But I will not quit
Not this time
So you can strike me down
But I will never stay down
I will always rise
I am the Phoenix
Try to put out my fire
But it looks like I'm still burning bright

Marieta Maglas 06 April 2010

wonderful descriptive poem with a metaphorical meaning...

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