A Traveler's Fears Poem by Carly Almonde

A Traveler's Fears

Venturing outside,
into the cold air.
Breath in the smell absorbed into the dew.
Think about the times,
the new you.
You go inside and start to get ready,
and everything in the world just begins to dim.
You are about to go on a trip,
a trip that will make your life so much better,
but you were always called a big fretter.
Waiting in line to check in your bags,
You clutch at your purse,
you don't want it to get snagged.
To you,
this is life on the edge.
Every step you take is making you step closer and closer,
to that hedge of flowers,
overlooking your new life,
and everything that surrounds it.
You've stepped onto the plane,
and an old lady stops you with her cane.
You retreat in fear,
but all she said is not to fear,
yes child she's read your mind,
she's been there.
Even so, you walk away quickly,
the sweat on your face just beginning its tricklng.
As soon as you land you're off like a deer,
once again, it's your fear.
No one can blame you,
silly little chit,
for having some fears.
But don't let it take away from your life.
You have so much to give,
so much life left to live.
So put away your traveler's fears,
and get yourself into the right gears,
there is an old saying,
'don't let the fear of the game, keep you from playing it'
Remember this and live your life,
as it is supposed to be lived.
Dear Child,
you are not alone.

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