A43 The Missing Cup Poem by Simple Simon

A43 The Missing Cup

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So, Joseph got their sacks filled,
As much as they could hold,
With corn, and placed atop money,
Out of his heartfelt sympathy.

Besides money and corn
In the sack of Benjamin,
He put his silver cup
And then sealed it up.

After sometime, he sent
Behind them his servant,
To search everyone's sack,
And bring the culprit back.

Whatever Joseph said,
The same, his servant did.
They felt really shocked,
When the cup was found.

To be his slaves, they all offered.
For Benjamin only, he agreed,
Judah pleaded for his release,
To prevent their father's demise.

Joseph then felt for his father,
And for all his brothers;
At last, he revealed to them:
'Your brother Joseph I'm.'

'It's God's will that I'm here
In advance of the famine year,
To save the surplus food-grains
And to relieve all hunger pains.'

'Go quickly, tell our dear father
That Joseph, his son is here.'
Then taking leave of him,
They started way back home.

Sandra Fowler 18 September 2006

Your verses weave a rich tapestry of Bible times. You bring these ancient people to life in a most convincing way.Simon. Warm regards, Sandra

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