Adulthood Dilemma Poem by John Sensele

Adulthood Dilemma

I listen to my heart
That enjoins me to plunge right in
Leave fate to play her part
Although the heart can't always win.

I listen to my conscience
That forbids outside catering
Which in my religion runs counter to matrimonial balance
Since of my own volition I vowed to wear a wedding ring.

I listen to my friends
Who treat me like a leper
Because I refuse to embrace playboy trends
Which violate faithfulness to my domestic gatekeeper.

I listen to worldwide fads
That advocate binge drinking and cargo towing
For teenagers, blessors and sugar dads
Who play the field and fly on a wicked wing.

I listen to peers
Who boast of bling, wads of notes and catchy smart phones
Sleek jeans, designer boots and rivers of beers
They swill at will as they flaunt polyphone ringtones.

I listen to spinsters
Who enjoy to the fullest the freedom
To chill out any way they fancy in boisterous bars
Which transmute into hunting grounds in their fiefdom.

I listen to parents
Who treat me like a prodigal daughter
Whom they cage in tatty tents
Where I enjoy neither softer sentiment nor laughter.

I listen to reason
That compels me to study hard
Like a resident on Robben Island prison
If life should deal me a winning card.

I listen to dopamine
That promotes hedonism
Alongside her sister serotonin
To preach a culture of epicurianism.

I listen to pastors
Who warn of teeth gnashing and brimstone
If I should join atheist actors
Who belittle religion in sarcastic tone.

I listen to social media
That advocate French osculation
As I search for data on Wikipedia
To gain at the end of a term a standing ovation.

John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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