Against The Winter And The Storms Of Life Poem by Daleen Enslinstrydom

Against The Winter And The Storms Of Life

Soon and much too soon the winter came
with all its coldness and with it,
it took all the warmth of summer
and it broke through all the temperatures
of the night
and only left the zero temperatures behind
and froze the water on the pond
and signs of frost are everywhere to be seen.

While the seasonal flowers are fading
the icy wind blows against the windows
and it makes me sad
and it’s as if the cold had moved
into every space in time

and in your arms I find comfort
although the house is blistering cold
and even when you breathe
vapour appears in the air
and the blankets can barely keep the heat in

and my mind wanders off
to the people that have to live outside
with no shelter against the chill of winter
and I cannot help but to wipe off a tear
as walls cannot even kept the cold out this year

and when I lie closer to you
I want to hide in you,
I want to find comfort
for my body, mind and soul
against the winter and the storms of life.

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Springs, South Africa
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