Alike (The Pretense) Poem by France Tamaca

Alike (The Pretense)

She’s a strong-hearted woman,
practiced... sophisticated,
liberated in her own constrained way.
What a price to pay
for her undivided attention,
for her share of thought,
...of dreams,
...of love.
for her time she limits,
Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes…
and that’s all they’ll get
if they‘re even worth it.

They call her Ms. effortlessly perfect.
The girl who has everything:
A home strongly founded and unbroken,
...a mind so envied,
...a heart so patient
...a life so easy,
in a world where nothing comes for free.

Maybe she has one, tiny flaw
That which no one would ever know.

This, here, is a fragile little girl,
so pained…and unseen.
Slaved with the shadows of the past and locked up all the way.
What a price to pay
for his undivided attention,
for his share of secrets,
...of dreams,
...of love.
for his time he limits.
Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes,
and that’s all she gets,
Because she’s not even worth it.

She's a thief in probation,
a girl who's barred to have what she TRULY wants:
...a forever,
...a mind so unpretentious,
...a heart so fearless,
...a life so simple, so beautiful, so crazy.
But in her world, nothing comes for free.

Maybe, after all, she has this one tiny strength.
The world she wants she could always invent.

The seen and the unseen.
The known and the unknown.
The thinking and the careless.
The loved and the alone.
The frail-hearted hides beneath the brave who fakes a fight.
Funny how they do not realize how these two look so much ALIKE.

France Tamaca

France Tamaca

Manila, Philippines
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