All I Want For Christmas… Poem by Penni White

All I Want For Christmas…

Rating: 5.0

I just want a new family and you can guess why
The people before me just left me to die
I wasn’t as perfect as they thought I should be
So they kept saying they no longer wanted me

I just want a family to make happy and embrace
I want to fit into a secure and special place
All the once they left me at auction headed for slaughter
I still have no hay, no food and no water!

This holiday season should be filled with glee
But instead I stand here as scared as can be!
I want to dance and nay to a holiday tune
Is there a new family that I can find soon?

You don’t have to give me a stocking or a tree
Just food, water and a warm place to rest safely
I don’t need anything to fancy or nice
Just a family who loves and cares would suffice

Here comes someone now, will I even be seen?
Will they take me to where pastures are green?
How will they notice me so skinny and frail?
There are so many burrs in my mane and tail

I stand here trembling and think how great it will be
If for this Christmas, I could get a nice family
I keep watching them, looking and I then I pray
Will you please PLEASE take me home today?

I am so excited but I cannot move from being weak
They come touch my ribs, my hooves and my cheek
I see a small tear that is welling in their eyes
They say underneath is a beautiful horse in disguise

They left me standing for a moment but quick to return
This is what I wanted, what I need and what I yearn
They soothed me and brushed me and gave me some hay
The told me they would take me and not make me stay

I cannot stand to think of what my life would have been
If they would have walked by and left me just standing
This is the best Christmas present that anyone could give
I have a second chance at life…and I am going to live!

Penni White 08 December 2006

Dedicated to all the horses that are standing at local livestock/horse auctions. Be a voice for horses and help save them from slaughter! This poem is dedicated to the horse, Baby Boy, our rescue's mascot. They ALL deserve a second chance at life. Will you walk on by? Or will you see that beautiful horse that lies within?

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