Allow My God Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Allow My God

I looked inside, then all around
My life was plain in view
Accounting to the treasures found
I found I needed You

I read Your “Book” I saw my guilt
I heard Salvation’s call
I knew this house on sand I’d built
One day would surely fall

So wash these hands Lord make me clean
Make right; this child of sin
Upon Your arm allow me lean
Allow Your Flame within

Allow this prayer before Your throne
Please hear the truth I say
Soften in me my heart of stone
Remove the filth today

Allow Your Spirit purge my soul
Consume my selfish will
In Jesus’ name please make me whole
To serve on Zion hill

Inside, my God I feel so right
It seems my heart can fly
And though outside, the world’s still bright
I hear no more her cry

I know my God there’s been a change
I know You’ve heard my plea
Take charge my God and rearrange
Establish Christ in me

For Christ I know is Heaven’s Door
From death! He’s took the sting
Now Satan’s tune I’ll dance no more
No more his song I’ll sing.

Kesav Easwaran 30 April 2008

a heart felt prayer...with good poetic value... good piece, michael

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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