Alone She Shines The Brightest Poem by S.J. Perron

Alone She Shines The Brightest

Hung in darkness And only when full do I shine.
In a Vacuum of silence frozen, baron, and dry.
Other heavenly lit bodies which I see from here
Course with thermal magma, or bubbling warm blood of all living things, on land and in the seas.
Balls of plasma fusion, flames and can even be scoped in pairs and married in clusters.
Since the beginning of time and tidal forces
so exquisite,
So alone so far
Only a dozen have ever
came to visit.
Dreading each remaining night alone,
Frigidly damned to such an existence in eternity, almost seems cruel.
Like a monk lost in snow swept mountains
searching for just three jewels.
If able to fall or let go of that ecliptic post in the night sky,
Drift to liberation with freedom's glow from this shadowy seclusion.
All would wail and weep in my release to be free.
For the blue ball must hold on to my orbital leash
Needed is my heavenly hand to dance with the.
Take away my push and pull on oceans and seas,
And her salty blood mixing with fresh would spew and splash
Overtaking the streets.
Dams, banks, all broken with billions of little bodies consumed
Like ants in a thunderstorm grabbing on to each other,
helpless to no avail,
and no mercy to come.
For all those in a single night may see
What an eternity of darkness and loneliness feels like to me.
Perhaps an 'end of days' most suiting
it would seem.
But all those who endure suffering alone and darkness like this,
are the first to step in when we see others suffering such pain.
Unable to abandon them like we had often been.
Never sharing the pain of loneliness with a neighbor, friend, or a person unmet.
Notice the light of the moon shines no less bright when alone in the darkness. The opposite has been my observation, she is most brilliant when up there alone, away from other sources of light, especially the ones down here.

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