Always Fall In Love With Characters From Books Poem by Patti Masterman

Always Fall In Love With Characters From Books

Always fall in love with characters from books:
It's safer that way; they'll never leave you at the altar.
They won't break your heart, to run off with the flamenco dancer
(Even if they found out after a week,
They couldn't stand the way she snaps her gum)

They won't suddenly alter their personality alarmingly.
They won't come back from the war decorated, but with PTSD
And then decapitate your homing pigeons.
They won't come back from anywhere with pigeons,
And won't mind if you already have PTSD.

They won't care if you get a headache every night.
They won't care if you gain forty pounds.
They won't care if you have chemo and lose your hair.
They won't care if you wear dentures, glasses or false limbs.
They won't care if you still dress as if it were two or three decades ago.

You can have your pick from the most colorful, unusual lovers
Ever dreamed up by the mind of man.
And should you tire of them, you can write yourself out of the plot;
Find another storybook character;
You can change loves like a Hollywood prima donna changes costume.
And if you should have ten alternate personalities of your own-
They'll never notice it at all.

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