An Ocean Wave Had Washed His Pride Poem by Mirela Athanas

An Ocean Wave Had Washed His Pride

I saw him naked, in skin and mind,
As if an ocean wave had washed his pride,
And left his soul so far behind,
Or took his soul, and left no sign
Of him, as if he never did exist;
It was his skin and bones and just two eyes,
Which said absolutely nothing in their stare,
He stood so proud, in nakedness; But I sighed,
I'd never seen such a naked man,
Let alone him, whom I thought I knew,
He was so naked in his inventive lies,
That I could hardly stand to have a clue,
Of why and why did I not rely,
In my heart's doubt that he was not
honorable nor a gentleman;
Standing there naked, I saw him cry,
Cry foul, cry victim and cry loud,
But I did not see his heart bearing a cross,
I saw the skin and bones and scary eyes,
And all humanity in him was lost,
Ah, and he had some lips with which he spoke,
The most throbbing words I'd heard till then,
And I don't know if it was his voice,
Or some predator's urging for revenge,
I saw that vengeful man in skin and bones,
Looking for a victim once again,
I then realized his intentions well,
He told lies for only his ego's gain,
And did not care if any victims fell
In grounds or beds, or even left the scene,
Or sacrificed their youth for him,
He only cared of his own profit,
To look grandiose and earn some fame,
Bu when I looked at him like that,
I was so happy I had escaped his game,
And thanked the Gods that made it happen,
To be so far from his victims' net
And thanked the ones who stood by me
To sanctify the sense of liberty;
I saw him there as naked as it can be,
In skin and bones, with scary eyes and full of lips,
And I felt proud to, after all, at least
Be able to see the real one he is,
And even prouder that I did not drink his kiss!

To a narcissist
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