An Open Letter To Young Learners Poem by Njousi Abang

An Open Letter To Young Learners

You are a citizen of the global village
See yourself as an employee in Washington DC
Or Shanghai, London or Lisbon, Madrid or Cairo
What do you need to be able to function successfully?
You need top-rated education to meddle
In the competitive world which is now a village
Mediocrity and misconduct should never be your lot
Excel now or you will be the underdog tomorrow
And die of poverty and misery
Use your eyes to study now
Or else you will use them to weep tomorrow
When you read, endeavour to pay attention
To your field of interest and keep an eye
On the top-rated jobs in the world as well
Always remember that like Barack Obama,
You can if you think you can
The fact that your predecessor failed
Doesn't mean that you will
Everything is possible for those
Who trust in God and do His will
For the benefit of God's people
We have faith in you
Have faith in yourself
Only the sky is your limit
If you keep the basic principles:
Discipline, hard work and perseverance
Note that failing to prepare for your tomorrow
Is preparing to fail
Proper preparation prevents poor performance
Always remember P5.

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