Njousi Abang

Njousi Abang Poems

If I were you,
I will stop for once and ponder:
Where am I? Where am I going?
What am I taking away?

When thinking is limited
By loyalty, socio-cultural reality
And geophysical and political settings
Universal Truth tends to be tinted,

The carnage and wreckages on our roads
As epitomized by corpses, broken vehicles,
Broken limbs of men, women and children
And goods that will never reach their destinations

Desertification drives on
We must be very watchful
And above all, unhypocritical
As we sometimes do

When volcanoes erupt and
Their ashes upon us tumble down
Man is vulnerable to all odds
When thunder strikes and storms

Soon classes will start in all the universities
And you will be called upon to apply yourself
To scholarship and moral rearmament
In this new fascinating world of education

Who is your best friend?
Mine is a good book
He makes me laugh and cry
With a joy that embellishes my soul

I feel good each time
I get a new book
A new book may
Not really be new

From dawn to dusk
You labour in the Lord's vineyard
To mould the young ones you keep
Many are the fruits you harvest


Pray always for yourself and others
Repent of all your iniquities
Ask God for forgiveness and blessings
Yahweh will grant you

God gave me one eye
So that I can see
He gave me two eyes
So that I can see clearly

The world moves on and on
While the monster develops
Its deadly fangs to maim and kill
All the people on the globe


I cannot bear it
But it is everywhere
Noise is in the market place
Noise is on the streets

Every second God receives
Billions of supplications and petitions
From different people in different languages
In all the nooks and crannies of this globe

The clouds never cease amazing me
They have an exceptional beauty
Like no other part of nature
They move and change

In quest of a livelihood
In quest of fun and pride
In an attempt to stay alive
In order to satisfy our sadistic desires

Isn't it a crime against humanity:
This waste that is transported and dumped
On the African soil by people who care?
Isn't it a crime against humanity:

Statistics show that Christians
Have fought more wars than others
Christians have harmed more Christians
Than all the others pitted against Christians

Satan tempts you
To do what is in your
Power to do and achieve
Feats which you have the

Albert Einstein says, "Small is the number
Of people who see with their eyes
And think with their minds."
People are made to believe

The Best Poem Of Njousi Abang

Stop Environmental Degradation

If I were you,
I will stop for once and ponder:
Where am I? Where am I going?
What am I taking away?
What am I bequeathing to posterity?
Is your legacy a pit of fire?
Is your legacy a scorched earth?
Is your legacy an inhospitable globe?
Is your legacy a barren planet?
Is your legacy a great Bang?

Then let it be known that
People and nations come and go
But nature and God live forever.
The will of God reigns supreme:
‘Neither will I ever destroy the world
With brimstone nor with flood waters'

If you do what God disallows,
You will have yourself to blame.
You may get temporary satisfaction
But after you, a thousand years
Will be a short period for God
To regenerate the earth with all its splendour
God's will shall be done according to His Word

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