And Africa Came. Poem by John Chizoba Vincent

And Africa Came.

And Africa came with a beauty regalia,
the sun was on her with a toothful giggle,
the breeze waved by dancing along paths.
She seized many eyes attention at the gate,
no human was able to think or worry again.

Her eyes shone like the stars of heaven,
Her nose pointed professionally to the sky,
beautiful legs she came with for all to see
and men were lost in the myopic of their love.
Home she brought back from abroad to stay.

And Africa came with a broad grin to tender,
Mother praised her innocence to the waves,
Father rejoiced with his clans who joined.
We have gotten a land flowing with love,
nothing is cupped in the envy of their soul.

And Africa shall serve all who dreams,
clothed in a freeway way of understanding,
Our yams are at the village square for her,
We have prepared the kola nuts for all clans
No more bathos of war in the land of Africa.

This is our dreams that a messiah to come,
now Africa has come with a gladden heart
no more pains of Armageddon shooting war
For who stand here is of harmony and grace
And Africa came with love to protect all.

©John Chizoba Vincent

Thursday, April 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: africa
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