Angel Calling Us Poem by josee dube

Angel Calling Us

All of me you got

You did got me
No shame, no short cut
Charging at me
My heart you got.

Didn’t want me to brake your heart
Wanted me to be all,
To be sweet to you and my heart, you got.

Got to see you
In my mind and in my sleep
Don’t bother, no space for your plea
Entirely, completely me abandoned, completely, me you got.

Do you know what you did to me
You made me want you baby
This is what it is, no shame, you got me
Down between, lower, deep in me, where you touch me
And you did, took me and got, right here with you, baby.

Move my body, move it to move on, or move strong
By now, I should be gone.
I do feel you, still, not totally done
Tell me, are you still on.

Every day, Every night
In me, and with me in my mind there with me
You move on, did you, or are you still on.

I love you, I loved you
This is what it is, hot it got
Does it get to stop
Because for me it’s getting too much.

I mess up, or you did
You didn’t get to talk
I didn’t get it, did you.
Too much into your thought
You, not enough into my walk.

You should be with me
Baby you gave up
I don’t know if you know,
You didn’t know but I don’t give up

With me you should be.
More to say, I know
I feel you still have to be right here with me
It is still there
You should be right here with me.
Or should you, should we.

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